(Also includes Chapter 24: Adaptation to Life on Land)

Phylum Porifera (Sponges) – “Pore Body”

·        Habitat: _______________________________

·        Spend their lives attached to a ________________________

·        Body plan is __________________________, meaning they cannot be divided into corresponding sections and they have no definite shape

·        Feeding Mechanism:



·        _____________________ - A network of tough interlocking spikes of Calcium and Silicon meshed with  ___________________ (a protein). Found in between inner & outer layer of sponge, and form the ________________ of the sponge.

·        Reproduction: (fig 25-2)




·        Commercial Uses of a sponge:




Question: Why wouldn’t you want to wash your car with a natural sponge?



Phylum Cnideria (Cniderians) – “Stinging Tentacled Animals”

·        Examples: Coral, Hydra, Sea Anemone, Jellyfish

·        Habitat: __________________________________

·        Display ___________________________________, all body parts radiate from a central axis

·        Have a ___________ with only __________ opening to the outside, which is surrounded by a _______________________________________

·        Function of tentacles:




·        ___________________________ - Stinging cells in the tentacles. They are stinging, harpoon-like structures that fire projectiles containing ___________ that immobilize prey

·        2 distinct life stages (2 different body forms):






Phylum Platylhelminthes (Flatworm) Platyhelminthes = 2 Greek words: “flat” + “worm”

·        Examples: Tapeworm, Planarian

·        Habitat: ________________________________________________________

·        Reproduction:




Most species of flatworms are _________________________, they are capable of producing both eggs & sperm. Hermaphroditic mating:




·        ___________________________ - Concentrates sensory organs at front end of animal. Flatworms were the first organisms to evolve a definite head.

·        Feeding Mechanism:



Question: Would it be beneficial to a parasite to kill its host? Why/why not?



·        Example: _____________________________, which infests humans, grows more than 10m (30 ft!!!)

* Has a specialized parasitic way of life
* No digestive system
* Nutrients from host are absorbed directly into worms’ skin
* Causes nausea, pain, abdominal swelling
* Responsible for the disease Schistosmiasis

To avoid Beef Tapeworm, ___________________________________


Phylum Nematoda (Roundworm)

·        Habitat:

·        Body is shaped like thick thread, tapered at both ends

·        Body appears __________________ in a __________________________

·        Reproduction:




Separate sexes exist (males are smaller than females!)


·        Roundworm play an important role in genetic research (Scientists are close to identifying all 10,000 genes of the nematode)

·        Nematodes can cause disease and damage to livestock (puppies must be “wormed”)

·        Life cycle of nematode eggs continues when a person consumes the nematode’s eggs. This can occur if:



Worm Organizer Table

Characteristics Flatworm Roundworm
Live in damp or wet environment    
Capable of asexual reproduction    
Most are Hermaphrodites    
Most are Parasites    
Body appears in Cross Section    


Phylum Molluska (Mollusks)   In Latin, “Mollusk” = “soft”

·        Examples: Clams, Scallops, Mussels, Squid, Oyster, Octopus

·        Features:








·        Most Mollusks display __________________________________, they can be separated into nearly mirror-image halves by being cut lengthwise along the midline of the body.

 ·        3 Classes of Mollusks: 

Class Gastropoda (Gastropods)

·        Examples: Slugs, Snails

·        Habitat: ________________________________________

·        _____________________ Symmetry

·        Motile – ___________________________________________________

·        Brightly colored & coiled shell

·        Feeding mechanism:






Class Bivalvia (Bivalves)

·        Examples: Oysters, Mussels, Scallops, Clams

·        _____________________ Symmetry

·        ________   shells

·        Feeding Mechanism: _________________________________________

·        Sedentary



·        Muscular foot is wedge-shaped & used for:



Class Cephalopoda (Cephalopods)

·        Examples: Squid, Octopus, Nautiluses

·        _____________________ OR ___________________ Symmetry

·        Habitat: ___________________________

·        Motile



·        Well developed nervous system

·        Feeding Mechanism:



·        ____________________ shells or ____________ shells

·        Body consists of:







·        Muscular foot has been modified to numerous arms


Octopus defense mechanisms:






Phylum Annelida (Annelids) - Segmented worms

·        Examples: Earthworm, Leech

·        Feeding Mechanism:





·        ______________________ Symmetry

·        ______________________ body plan

·        Different regions of the body can be specialized for different functions








·        ______________________ - Tubules present on each segment of the worm that remove liquid wastes



Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)   “Arthropoda” = “Jointed Leg”

·        Examples: Spiders, Insects, Centipedes, Scorpions, Shrimp, Crab, Lobster

·        Habitat: ________________________

·        _____________________ Symmetry

·        Arthropods are the largest, most diverse Phylum

·        Exoskeleton:





·        Insect Gas Exchange: Insects have adapted their method of gas exchange for life on land.

    Tubes called ______________ carry Oxygen directly to muscles
   ________________ are pores that allow air into the body for gas exchange


·        Arthropods affect human lives:


Beneficial Harmful


Phylum Echinodermata (Echinoderms)

·        Examples: Starfish, Sand Dollars, Sea Urchins,

·        Habitat: Marine, aquatic

·        ______________________ Symmetry

·        Water Vascular System:



Water vascular system functions in locomotion, feeding, and gas exchange.


·        Do not have __________________________________, thus no efficient means of regulating _____________________________.

·        Obtain oxygen by:



·        Internal distribution of O2 and nutrients occurs by:



Phylum Chordata (Chordates)

·        ______________________ Symmetry

·        All chordates share four features:






·        3 Subphyla:


Subphylum Urochordata

·        Examples: Tunicates, Sea squirts

·        Feeding Mechanism: Filter particles of food through the water (similar to the sponge)

·        Motion:


·        Larval stage: ____________________________________________

Adult stage: _____________________________________________


Subphylum Cephalochordata

·        Examples: Lancelets

·        Feeding Mechanism:


·        They bury their tails in the sand/ mud, and expose head to water in order to feed

·        Retain ____________________________________________________ throughout life


Subphylum Vertebrata

·        Examples: Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals (humans)

·        Complex organ systems

·        Endoskeleton:



·        Notochord replaced by ___________________________________

·        Reproduction & Development:







·        Two phyla/ Subphyla best adapted to life on land:






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