Traits of Animals


2 Groups of Animals


_____________________________ - Have a backbone


_____________________________ - Do not have a backbone



_______________________ - Balanced arrangement of body parts around a center point or along a center line.


3 Types of Symmetry








How animals are classified


Organisms are classified into 5 Kingdoms:



Animals are further classified into ___________________. There are 9 __________________ of animals:




  1. ________________________ - (5,000) Smallest phylum, simplest animals, assymetrical.


  1. ________________________ - (11,000) Ex: Jellyfish, sea anemone. Radial symmetry.


  1. ________________________ - Simplest worms, bilateral symmetry. Ex: Tapeworm, planarian.


  1. ________________________ - Bilateral symmetry. Ex: hookworm


  1. ________________________ - Most complex worm, bilateral symmetry. Ex: earthworm, leech.


  1. ________________________ - (80,000) Bilateral, radial symmetry. Ex: Snails, octopus, clams, squid.


  1. ________________________ - (826,000) Largest phylum. Bilateral symmetry. Ex: insects, lobsters, crayfish, crabs.


  1. ________________________ - (5,000) Radial symmetry. Ex: starfish, sand dollar.




  1. ________________________ - (47,000) Most complex phylum. Have a tough, flexible rod along their back. Ex: humans, birds, reptiles, fish).







Feeding Mechanism:


Three types of cells






STINGING-CELLED ANIMALS (Ex: jellyfish, coral, sea anemone, hydra)





Feeding Mechanism






WORMS  (Ex: Roundworm, Flatworm, Segmented Worm)


Three Phyla of worms exist:



FLATWORMS (Simplest worms)


Ex: Tapeworm


 Ex: Planarian



ROUNDWORMS – Worms with ______________ bodies & ______________ ends




Ex: Hookworm


SEGMENTED WORMS – Bodies are divided into sections called __________________



Ex: Leech


Ex: Earthworm


Feeding Mechanism


Earthworms Help the Environment



SOFT-BODIED ANIMALS – Animals with a ____________________ that is usually protected by a ________________________.




3 Classes of Soft-Bodied Animals











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