Teachers' Online Toolbox

I have complied my list of "favorites" into one giant resource for fellow teachers. I hope they will be very helpful to you as well.

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards - A list of the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Science

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) NJ Department of Education - Find out how to obtain money for your school, receive technology grants, and get information on continuing education for teachers!

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) NJ Science Curriculum Framework - Come see the state of NJ's science curriculum framework project.

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) New-Teacher.com - A resource site for first-year teachers, student teachers, education students, and anyone who thinks they may want to be a teacher!

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) AskERIC - (Educational Resources Information Center) is the place to go for lesson plans, publications, educational digests and more.

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) Free Stuff for Teachers on the Internet - The Mining Co. has developed this site as a list of free teacher resources to stretch the schools' budget.

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) NASA's Quest Project - NASA's goal is to provide support and services for schools, teachers and students to utilize the Internet as a learning tool in the classroom. This site contains many online resources, projects, and grant information.

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) EdWeb - The purpose of this site is to explore the worlds of educational reform and information technology. With EdWeb, you can hunt down on-line educational resources around the world, learn about trends in education policy and information infrastructure development, examine success stories of computers in the classroom, and much more.

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) Biology Teachers' Resource Page - This page contains many general biology reference sites as well as lesson plans, and activities!

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) RAMS - A free source of information to help you locate grant money for your school.

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) Cisco Educational Archives - This site has great resources and links for teachers, including ideas for using the internet in the classroom, lesson plans and activities, and a guide to special offers and discounts.

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) Access Excellence - This is my personal favorite! AE contains great activities for biology teachers in their "activities exchange," and has wonderful links to look at bioethical issues, science updates, and a network of mentors. Be sure to visit this site; it is a biology teachers' must have!

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) Project 2061 - Project 2061, run by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, is a long-term initiative to reform K-12 science education nationwide. The project is creating a coordinated set of reform tools, services, and workshops to help educators work toward science literacy for all students.  

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) Science Teachers' Resource Center - A plethora of ideas for activities & lessons...exclusively for science teachers!

movapple.gif (35796 bytes) AT&T Learning Network - Many great ideas for teachers...lesson plans & everything!


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