Classroom Rules & Procedures

INSTRUCTOR: Miss Josephsen


1.        Be on Time and Prepared

2.        Be Respectful

3.        Listen when someone is speaking

4.        Try your best to do your best!

5.        Follow all Lab Safety Rules.



·          Students will be in assigned seats, ready to begin at the sound of the second bell. Students will remain seated until the bell rings, indicating the end of class.

·          While attendance is being taken, open your notebooks and write the date and the daily objectives. Begin the “DO NOW” activity posted on the board or overhead.

·          Bring the following items to class every day: (be prepared!)
A pen, a pencil (#2 on exam days), a 3-Ring Binder, a Text Book, and a 3.5 inch floppy disk

·          An internet log-on ID is essential for this class. We will be doing many computer-related activities this year

·          Maintain an orderly, cleanly classroom. This includes cleaning up your lab area after all labs! Thoroughly wipe down lab tables with the sponge and cleanser provided, and DO NOT LEAVE TRASH in the SINKS!

·          Homework will be handed in to the "turn-in-bin" located on my desk at the beginning of class. Procedures for turning in papers will be discussed further in class. One or two assignments will be collected randomly each week and graded as a homework/ classwork assignment. Late homework will be accepted with a penalty.

·          If you are absent, collect your work from the appropriate folder of the "absentee file cabinet" upon return to school. Also check the Class Plan Book located at the front of the room to check for missed reading assignments. If you have any questions about your work, ask Miss Josephsen once class has progressed and all students are working.

·          Ask Miss Josephsen for a pass if you need to leave the room for any reason. Pass procedures will be explained in more detail during class.

NOTEBOOK: Obtain (and maintain!) a 3-Ring Binder by Monday, 9/11/00,  with the following sections:

TEXTBOOK: All textbooks MUST BE COVERED! Book covers will be checked randomly throughout the year, and will count as a quiz grade

GRADING: Grades will be calculated as follows:

Exams: 40%
Laboratories: 30% (50% of Lab Grades consist of PERFORMANCE in the lab; 50% consists of a LAB HANDOUT)
Homework/ Classwork: 20%
Quizzes: 10%

EXTRA CREDIT: Opportunities for extra credit will be given throughout the year. For example, once every quarter, individual progress reports will be given to each student with an approximate grade averages for homework, quizzes, labs, tests, and an overall grade in the class. An extra credit point will be added to your child’s marking period grade upon return of a signed grade update. These will be handed out mid-marking period (Interim Time).

EXTRA HELP: Extra help will be available upon request, almost every day, before OR after school; just make an appointment!!! J

I have read and understand the discipline plan of Miss Josephsen:


Parent Signature_________________________________  Student Signature________________________________

Instructor Signature ____________________________

¨ ¨ IMPORTANT!!!¨ ¨


Thank You! J

Click here for LAB SAFETY RULES


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